Thursday, May 21, 2009

Unexpected Vacation!

As you know, Tuesday was the last day of Dancing With The Stars. Wednesday, Mr. Mustard was supposed to start working on the show The Doctors again, but they called Tuesday afternoon and said they didn't need him because they are going to start showing re-runs!

So, now Mr. Mustard is off work. It's weird to go from never seeing your husband because he is working 80-100 hours/week, to seeing him all the time!

It a little scary to be operating with no paycheck and no job (with a baby due in one month). But, on the flip-side, it's also pretty cool to get to spend some QT (quality time) together.

Someone sure is happy about all this:


Today Mr. Mustard and Paprika spent some very fun time together at the big indoor playground. We'll see how long this trend lasts. Right now it would be hard for Mr. Mustard to find a job because he wants to be available during the birth...and it would be hard to find a job and say "hey, I want a couple weeks off right away to stay home with our new baby."

So, we'll just enjoy it and go with it! We wanted to schedule a trip to Vegas for the next few days, but I think that might be kinda crazy seeing as it's 105 degrees there and I'm 34 weeks pregnant!

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