Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dancing With The Stars Wrap Party!


Had such a busy day yesterday! Mr. Mustard's mom came over in the early afternoon to watch Paprika. She brought lunch from Whole Foods, and we had a great time chatting before I had to run off to my doc appointment. I am so thankful she was able to watch Paprika yesterday: it gave me some freedom, and Paprika got to have some more quality time with her grandma! Thank you, Pat!!!

I got to the doc's office in Beverly Hills five minutes before my 2:30 appointment, and ended up waiting about two hours before I was seen. Yes, two hours. When I finally got in to see him, it was a quick weight check, blood pressure check, and a quick check of the baby's heart on the doppler (all of which I can do at home)...and then a "see ya in two weeks!" Literally, my appointment lasted no more than three minutes. I was ticked!

I did get to talk to him about the induction, and it turns out he is going to be out of town June 20-25th...and I am due on June 27th! So either we will induce before he leaves, or we'll hope that the baby waits til he gets back from his trip...because I really want him to deliver our baby! We were hoping for a June 20-21st induction (Summer Solstice), but it looks like that's not going to happen. C'est la vie!

So, after that appointment, I drove over to the Lot to watch the Dancing With The Stars Season Finale and then go to the wrap party with Mr. Mustard. It was really fun watching the show from behind the scenes with the producers, and then of course, the party was a blast! We got lots of pictures, but I think posting them on my blog might violate some kind of non-disclosure agreement Mr. Mustard has with the network, so I'm gonna refrain. The pic above was from a booth set up at the party!

We had a great time! I loved seeing all the people Mr. Mustard works with and meeting some new ones, too. There were loads of celebs there (mostly affiliated with the show), and that is always fun.

I remarked to Mr. Mustard that at last season's wrap party (in November), I was pregnant with this baby then, too. I was 9 weeks 3 days at that party, and at this party, I was 34 weeks 3 days! So, I couldn't drink at either party! Seems like I am a pretty sure bet for a designated driver! ;-)

***Edited to add:

Yesterday (May 19th) was also the 7 year anniversary of the day Mr. Mustard proposed to me! I keep track of all that kind of stuff, but I don't think it was on Mr. Mustard's mind! ;-) I'm glad that we got to spend the night out on the town together, having fun!

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