Monday, November 16, 2009

So Embarrassing!


Sunday we spent all day at the park. Despite me being sick, we have to get outside and since we have no yard, we just make it work! I so wish that we had a big (or even a small) yard to just relax in over the weekend- someday, I hope? But for now, it's gotta be the park, so on Sunday that's what we did while Mr. Mustard was working.


The park we went to is usually empty on the weekend, but this time, there was a 6 year old boy there with his dad. The dad was a much older dad, and Paprika ran up to him and said, "Hey Grandfather! Do you want to come play with us?"

The father kind of laughed and said, "I'm his daddy!"

And Paprika looked up at him and with the sweetest voice said, "Noooo, you're his Grandfather!"



It was really the most innocent thing. But how embarrassing!!! I ended up having a nice chat with the dad, and he had a sense of humor about it. That was especially good because Paprika called him "Grandfather" two more times before she corrected herself. Oops!

But it was okay because the dad thought Ginger was a boy...with all that pink, and a pink hat even?! He said, "At this age, you really can't tell." And I wanted to say, "Unless the baby has a pink pacifier, a pink hat, a pink blanket, and is in a pink and yellow stroller!"


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