Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mimi & Pop Pop


My Grandma made this sweater for ME back when I was a baby...and now look who's wearing it?!

My Grandma and Grandpa now go by the names Mimi and Pop Pop to Paprika and Ginger instead of Great Grandma and Great Grandpa. It's so much hipper, don't you think? I think so!


Mr. Mustard and I went on vacation to Las Vegas in 2006 with my Grandma and Grandpa, and their dear friends Barb and Duane, when I was 12 weeks pregnant with Paprika. We had so much fun! Here is a picture of Mimi and Pop Pop on our last big night in Vegas. Memories!


Now a trip like that would be so much harder with two little ones in tow. It's not quite as simple as it used to be when we just decided to get up and go, and got up and went!

But the trade-off is obviously priceless. Adorable, in fact! Anyhoo- Ginger is enjoying the sweater I wore so many years ago, and that her big sister Paprika wore just three short years ago. I love it! So retro-chic!


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