Monday, August 24, 2009

Big Changes

This summer Paprika has changed so much. All in one summer, she:

Started Preschool (July 1, 2009)
Potty Trained (July 2009)
Moved Out of Her Crib Into a "Big Kid Bed" (August 22, 2009)

Yep, that's right...Paprika not in her crib anymore! She's loves her new bed, and it's a perfect size for her.

She transitioned out of her crib so easily, it didn't feel like a transition at all! She has had freedom to get out of her crib for about 6 months now- that's when she started climbing out of it in the morning. We lowered the rail on her crib and put a big stepping ottoman for her to climb down on. So, really she's had the freedom to get out of her crib for months and months.

At three years old, we decided it was time for her to have her own bed. She was definitely ready. We found the cutest toddler bed and matching bedding on Craigslist (of course!). We brought it home on Friday night, set it up on Saturday, and she was sleeping in it by Saturday night. So cute!


We had a good weekend. Saturday we took both girls to La Salsa for lunch, and hung out around the house. After Paprika went to bed, Mr. Mustard and I watched Frost/Nixon on dvd while Ginger slept in the Baby Bjorn. Great movie! We both enjoyed it so much.

On Sunday, we went to an Open House for a house that is a little out of our price range. We figure it will probably fall into our price range soon because it's not we went to check it out. It was really awful- the owner was hanging out around the backyard in her bathing suit, chain smoking cigarettes. The house was dirty and horribly outdated, and smelled like stale cigarettes. Yuck!

So, we didn't stay there long. After we left, we took Paprika to the McDonald's PlayPlace and let her play with the other kids in the air conditioned cool. She had a great time, but then the other kids left and she was by herself. She didn't like that. She is so social, and outgoing. We overheard her talking to another little girl, and Paprika sounded like she was 9 years old all of a sudden. She said to the other little girl, "Oh, that's my daddy over there." The way she said it was so nonchalant and grown up.

Ginger is so interested in faces and people. She is very comforted by holding my hand, and likes to fall asleep holding onto my fingers. When she wakes up, she is smiling and laughing. She loves looking at the big black and white photos on our wall, especially the huge one we have of Paprika at 2 months old. Ginger loves it when Paprika talks to her and kisses her. She really lights up when Paprika is around. Ginger's reflux is definitely better now. She is much less fussy, and although she still wakes up quite a bit at night, I like it because we get that one on one time I would be missing otherwise. I know how fast this stage goes, so I am enjoying every second of it while it's here.

As far as the house thing goes, I am ready to find some place bigger for us, but trying not to get too worked up about it. The biggest issue for us is the lack of yard because Paprika is the most active child. Being inside our small space is really difficult for her. She is bouncing off the walls after just an hour or two inside. I would love to have a house with a playroom for her, and a backyard.

I think things will get better when it cools off outside enough that I can take her to the park, and when Ginger is big enough to be a little bit more robust. When Ginger gets to the age I can put her in the Ergo and she can control her neck more, I will feel more confident chasing after Paprika in public. Right now Ginger is still so little and delicate, I can't run after Paprika if she takes off in public. And she will take off in public. She's fast and fearless.

I remember when we moved into our townhouse how huge we thought it was, and now we are bursting at the seams. That's a good thing, I think! I know we'll find something, I just need to be patient about it and make the best of things while we're here.

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