Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Coming Up For Air!


Papaw Dave and Nana Nancy left this morning to go back home to Indiana. They were here a week, and I have to say that we all enjoyed every moment of it. I now understand why it is so much easier to raise children when you have family nearby.


It took a few days for the girls to get comfortable with Nana Nancy and Papaw Dave, but by Day 3, they had warmed up enough to let me and Mr. Mustard go out on dates. It was awesome! We went out on a date every night the last four nights they were here. We tried every restaurant we've been wanting to try, went to a movie (Take Me Home Tonight), and even did silly stuff like go to Crate and Barrel. We walked through the glassware section, and even laid on the couches...just because we could.


We did so much this past week. My dad and Nancy helped out at Paprika's school. We played in the backyard a lot. Went to the beach. Went to two Aquariums. Walked on the pier together. I still took photos (of course)- but I found myself laying my camera down more this week and just enjoying the moments together. It was that good.


I will post more photos tomorrow. I am currently watching Sherlock Holmes on dvd with Mr. Mustard, and I can't pay attention to that and write at the same time. Ta-ta for now!



Mama L. said...

So glad you had a great time. You look absolutely fantastic, lady!

Shell in your Pocket said...

Looks like your family has a lot of fun..

sandy toe