Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Treehouse!


Last week we were reading the Henry and Mudge books before bedtime. There's one all about a treehouse, so the next day the girls just had to make their very own treehouse!

The top of the swingset worked great. After a few attempts of the girls trying to make their own roof, I got out our king-sized fitted sheet and hoisted it on top. Perfecto! It's like it was made to be a treehouse roof! ;-)


The girls got pillows and blankets, and made a little home up there. It was so well organized - there was even a little basket of toys, and a place to put shoes. Paprika said she wanted to sleep up there, and eat all her meals there. I made the girls lunch and they ate it in the treehouse. So fun!


Violet is not quite big enough for the treehouse yet. But, she does love looking on from her exersaucer. I moved her exersaucer outside so she can enjoy the sunshine and breeze while watching the big girls. It gives her a little freedom, but not too much, if you know what I mean!


The other spot Violet loves is the baby swing. The girls have had the best time pushing Violet in it. She is so happy in there, and the big girls will "race" next to her on the big swings, which gets everyone laughing.


I feel like it was just yesterday that Ginger was in this swing. We bought this swing for Ginger when she was Violet's age! Where is the time going?


I am enjoying all these little moments because they woosh by so fast. Sometimes when I look at Paprika, I can't believe she was ever so little. But, I know she was!


And speaking of Ginger, I have been posting fewer pictures of her because she refuses to wear clothes 99% of the time! Whenever I put clothes on her, she rips them right matter what. If I let her pick, if she wears pajamas, or a dress, or a swimsuit! It's a shame, because she really has the best wardrobe of any of us!


It's a battle, and one I'm just not willing to take on when we're around the house. Out in public is a different story. If she needs to be wearing clothes, I do have the "straightjacket method" - which means I put her into a dress she can't get out of (one that buttons up the back). It's not nice, but you gotta do what ya gotta do.

At home, I just let her run around in her pull-up. I figure there's not a lot she gets to control in her life. I decide where she goes every day, what activities she gets to do, when she goes to bed...all sorts of major decisions. That's the part about being three years old vs. being the parent. So, if she wants to just be FREE at home, then it's okay by me! If there's one thing I've learned, it's that you've got to pick your battles. Haha.


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