Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Doctor's Appointment

Thank you so much to everyone sending cards and flowers. It is so wonderful to open up the mailbox or go to the front door and have a little (or big) something to brighten my day. :-)

The doctor's visit yesterday went okay. Mr. Mustard met me at the office, which was really nice. There were about a gazillion pregnant women in the waiting room, all complaining. What I wouldn't give for their aches and pains, right?

The doctor did a little check and found that there is some infection (which I knew) going on in my body. I am on antibiotics and we're on a "wait and see" sort of thing- I go back in four weeks for an ultrasound to make sure that everything is clear. I have been in increasing pain over the past week, and I'm not sure what's causing that. I have vicodin, but I would rather 1) know what's causing the pain, and 2) I would rather NOT get addicted to vicodin as I sit here recovering. Nevertheless, the pain is getting worse, which generally is no fun. My leg is also in a lot of pain still (from the epidural). The doctor seemed to think that would get better, too. So, now we're just waiting...waiting...waiting for me to feel better. :-)

Enough about that. Mr. Mustard is finishing up work this week and may take some time off over the next month. We have a wedding to go to in August (Mr. Mustard is the best man!), and other things to attend to- like Paprika's second birthday. So, there are good things on the horizon for the Urth family. :-)

Oh, and Paprika has already informed me what she wants for her birthday: 1) a Happy Cake (what she calls a birthday cake), 2) pretty shoes, and 3) a snake!!! She may get two out of three- we'll see. :-)

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