Monday, July 1, 2013

Out In The Wild!


Today I took the girls to the Wilderness Park near our house!  It is still so hot and Ginger did NOT want to go.  But once we got there, she had the best time.  Even though life can sometimes seem crazy and overwhelming with a 1 year old, a (newly) 4 year old, and a 6 year old...little glimpses like today give me hope!  It was all so manageable and everyone had fun (including me!)


They have fish food you can buy for a quarter - and I always make sure to bring change and ziplock bags (to put the fish food inside - I am learning!)  But today when I went to take out my money, I only had one quarter!  I thought for sure that would cause a little friction - but no worries, Paprika gave the quarter to Ginger to use, and Paprika was happy to watch the fish from the sidelines while Ginger fed them!


Ginger told me that she had something she wanted to show me, so she led me back to the very far corner of the park to show me this:


When we were at the park about six months ago, she found this tree stump and said it was Triceratops Eggs.  She wanted to see if the Baby Triceratops had hatched!  ;-)  I know she knew she was pretending, but we still had fun with it!  And I couldn't believe she could remember that so well from so long ago!

Me and Violet.  She insisted on wearing a swimsuit, of course!  It was hot, so I'm pretty sure she had the right idea! 


Paprika skipping to the "island" in the middle of the pond:


At the second pond, there are lots of ducks and turtles!  I found TWO more quarters in my purse - so both Ginger and Paprika got to feed the "wildlife" - they were both so happy!


Taking a rest on the bench.  They were chanting:  All for one, and one for all!  :-)


Ginger and Violet used the empty ziplock bags to pick up rocks for "their collection":


Violet was very careful about the whole thing - she could have collected rocks all day long!:



Paprika wanted to make a silly face picture - but Violet didn't quite know what that meant!


She learns pretty quickly!  ;-)


The End!

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