Monday, January 10, 2011

My Little Helper


Ginger has become my right-hand helper. Whether it's juicing oranges (like in this picture), or putting in the laundry, or picking up toys, or handing me my keys...she's always right there by my side and so excited to help! I don't know how she became such a helper, but I am loving it!

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Fabulous! Work done in half the time and more time to play :)
I wish she'd tap the brakes on becoming a big girl so quickly.
She seems to be growing up at warp speed. I guess having an older, loving sister that plays with her so much has something to do with it. I've reviewed the blog and I still can't put my finger on when it started. Oh well, as long as she keeps her button nose and love of hats it'll be okay. Mmmm...