Saturday, December 10, 2011

Almost 2.5


Little Miss Ginger, you are almost 2.5 years old now (officially so on the 18th of this month). You are quite a character, and your personality is so big...every day we learn more about you, and every day you show us how bright and funny you are.

You are now a middle child...and as such, I worry about you. Worry about you getting enough attention. Worry you will feel slighted somehow. But quite the opposite, you take center stage wherever you go. You are a huge ball of energy, smart as a whip, and eager to be as good or better than your big sister in everything you do.


When you were about 1 year old, I was worried that you didn't have enough words yet. Oh boy, did you ever prove me wrong! You talk like you're 5 years old, have every song you've ever heard memorized, and you have one big sense of humor. Wherever we go, people comment on how expressive you are, how much energy you have, and how smart you are (like when you counted up to 50 in front of a group of strangers when you were barely two). When we read books at night, Paprika usually reads one page and you "read" the next to us. You can't wait to be big, but I love it that you are still so little.

You love to pick out your own clothes, and are so picky about what you will wear. Your favorite things to wear are your sister's big shoes, butterfly wings, and any kind of tiara or headband you can find. You never want to take a nap, never want to sleep, and you can usually be found running (or climbing) from place to place. You eat very little, and we wonder how you can possibly go go go the way you do. You want to engage with everyone around you and you love making people laugh. You make us smile every day and we are so glad that you're our girl.

Love you so much!




Missy said...

Long time reader here...she is looking so very much like Paprika these days!

Sheila said...

It's perfect that she's the middle or hub of the family. All things intersect and radiate through her. She never fails to bring a smile to my face. Life beams from every bit of her... she is Ginger sunshine! I get so tickled when it's a cloudy day or lightning strikes!!! She is my favorite "naughty baby".