Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Breakin' It!


We have had the most beautiful weather this week! What a great week for Paprika to have off school! Mr. Mustard has been really busy with Dancing with the Stars and working on a new movie up in Santa his only day "off" was Thursday (yesterday). We packed a lot in on his day home. He took the girls to ride bikes, to Michael's craft store and also played a lot in the backyard on the new trampoline. The girls were soooo exhausted come bedtime! He is such a great daddy.


The rest of this week has just been us girls, and we've been keeping very busy! Devon came with her oldest daughter on Wednesday. Paprika was sooo excited about that she didn't sleep the night before. I had one crazy night, actually. Mr. M was working, so I was on my own here...

On Tuesday (the night before Devon came), I put Paprika to bed around 10 (normal time for her). Then I had to get baby Violet to sleep. It took me almost three hours to get her to sleep (she was being fussy), and so baby Violet fell asleep in my bed at 1am.

Then (at 1am) I went to check on Paprika, who was still awake. She was sooo excited about Devon and her daughter coming to visit that she couldn't sleep and was having a borderline anxiety attack. So, then I got Paprika back to bed...which was an ordeal, to say the least!

Then, I went back to my bedroom and right as I fell asleep, Ginger woke up because she wanted water. Ginger was sleeping in my bed (she always does when Mr. M is out of town). Gave her water. Then 15 minutes later, she wanted more water. As she was handing it back to me, she accidentally spilled a little on Violet. I told her to be careful and she looked back at me with a little glimmer in her eye.

Then, 15 minutes later Ginger asked me again for water. This time, as she was handing it back to me, she dumped the entire cup (16 oz.) of ice water right on baby Violet in my bed. So, my bed was filled with water and Baby Violet was awake (and very cold). I put Ginger back to sleep in her bed, and then had to get baby Violet back to sleep. That took three hours.

Then, just as I fell asleep, Daisy dog started whining that she wanted to go outside to eat and go to the bathroom. So, I took her out.

Then, I fell back asleep for about 5 minutes before Paprika came into my room and woke me up - still asking if Devon was here yet...and how many minutes until they arrived anyway?

Needless to say, everyone was a little tired on Wednesday. Haha!


Thankfully, the rest of the week has been much less dramatic! We've been hanging out outdoors a lot, spending time with friends, and taking it easy. I'm so glad we didn't go anywhere for Spring Break- it's been like a vacation being at home!


I can't believe it's already Friday! Mr. M is working all weekend at DWTS, so it's just going to be us girls here all weekend. I think we're going to do Easter baskets, etc. one day next week when he's off. We usually do Easter Wednesday in our house, since that's the day we can all be together...since DWTS airs Mon/Tues and that usually means Mr. M is home Wed. So, that gives me a few more days to shop anyway! ;-)

Hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend!!! :-)


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Mimi said...

How on earth do you cope for a full day and evening on your own on no sleep? Yikes!
Gorgeous pics, as always!
Hope you had a good day with Devon, and that all is well in her world. I miss her from Blogland.

Emily said...

I love the pictures in this post- so fun :)

Natalie said...

Love the pictures! Especially Paprika's dress!