Friday, December 14, 2007

A Day At The Park

Paprika and I took advantage of today's gorgeous weather to get out and have fun at the park. Paprika loves to run, run, run and be outdoors. She is learning how to play with other kids, and is infinitely interested in them. Today there was a 22 month old boy at the park, and she wanted to chat him up and play on the jungle gym with him.
She amazes us with her love of books, and her ever-increasing vocabulary. She surprises me with new words every day- like out of the blue yesterday she said "blanket" and handed me her blanket when she woke up in the morning.
We really limit television- Paprika watches no broadcast tv, and only rarely watches a kid's video- like Sesame Street, Plaza Sesamo (Spanish Sesame Street), or the Pixar Animation shorts. But, that's not to say that she's not interested! She loves the Pixar short "Boundin'" and will go to the dvd player and say "Bounce!" when she wants us to play Boundin'. Then she wants us to play it over and over again, and gets really upset when we turn it off. But, that's life! :-)

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