My Dad, Nana Nancy, and my Grandma all boarded the big bird back to Indiana this morning. We had such an amazing time having them here. The house was full of life and energy, and now it feels so empty - which is saying something, considering there are three energetic little ones running around. ;-)
I was so glad we were able to host everyone comfortably. Even though our house is small, I didn't want that to limit our hospitality. I think we did a pretty great job (if I do say so myself - haha!) My dad and Nancy slept in the girls' room and my Grandma had the guest room. Everything felt just right - and now I am counting the days until we can do it again!
I promised my Grandma I would post pictures ASAP - so here they are! There are A LOT. I took a break from blogging while everyone was visiting - I wanted to focus on the here and now. Now I want to remember the good times, so here's a taste:
Saturday night (moments after arrival) - Celebrating Grandma's 80th Birthday!:
Sunday Morning - Reading with Grandpa:
Sunday Afternoon -
First we all went to the Park with the girls - they fed the ducks and played on the playground. Here is Nana Nancy with Violet pointing out some ducks:
After that, we went on a short scenic driving tour and then headed to the Beach and Aquarium. We stopped for ice cream at the end of the Pier and the girls got so messy eating their chocolate treats. Then, the girls watched the surfers and asked (a million times) how old they have to be to go surfing. :-) Here's Great Grandma Mimi with her three great grandchildren, plus me and Mr. M. We love my Grandma so very much!:
Grandpa and Nana Nancy - we love them so very much, too!:
Grandpa with Ginger:
Sunday Night - Great Grandma Mimi holding Violet right after Violet's bath:
Paprika reading stories to Mimi and Nana Nancy:
Monday morning - Violet feeling bright and cheery sitting next to Grandpa:
Making fresh squeezed orange juice after picking oranges from the backyard:
Monday afternoon trip to the park:
The water fountain was a little overzealous in its spray - can you tell what the girls had the most fun doing at the park? They got soaked! :-)
Some of my favorite memories from growing up are my dad playing guitar to me (and teaching me how to play). I was so glad when my dad got out the guitar and favored us with a tune. Little guitar serenade by Grandpa on Monday night:
It was all the more special because this is the 12 string guitar that my dad bought me for my 17th birthday. It was burned badly in the fire and Robbie fixed it up when he was out this past summer. Lots of memories with this particular guitar:
Of course, Ginger wanted to play, too!:
On Tuesday morning, Grandpa made boats with the girls. The girls had made paper boats on their own and we added white duct tape to the bottom to make them waterproof - so the boats would sail easily.
Here's Grandpa helping Ginger construct her boat. She then decorated it by drawing lots of little people on it - so cute!:
Then we went to the Wilderness Park to see if the boats would really sail. Paprika's boat sailed fantastically - a seaworthy vessel it was:
We fed the giant koi in the pond (not that they need feeding - ha!) The girls were so excited Grandpa gave them quarters to get fish food. I always forget to bring quarters, but Grandpa saved the day!
We spent a few hours hiking around the Wildnerness Park. Hardly anyone was there - which, you know, was just great by me! We let Paprika miss school since it was such a special occasion. :-)
She got a little science lesson by way of studying the turtles over at the pond. There were so many turtles, and the cutest baby turtle, too! She wanted to take him home (but we didn't):
I tried to get a photo of Grandpa with the grandkids (and me!) - but Ginger was not having it! She had stepped in the pond and so her sock was wet - and well, that did not make her a happy camper. Don't worry - she quickly got over it! (When I gave her MY sock! Haha!)
I took tons of photos - and these are the highlights!
I spent all day today so sad that my Grandma, my Dad, and Nancy had gone home. It was so wonderful having them here - I hope they come back soon. We miss them already.
And you know what - when they were here, the weather was AMAZING. And then today, after they left it got cold and now it's raining. So, clearly, the weather agrees. Ha!
I will always cherish the memories from this trip - they were TRULY sunny days! :-)
The End.
1 comment:
Your grandma looks amazing for 80!
And that fresh OJ makes me want to run out and buy a juicer! It looks so good!
I am so glad your family was able to visit and I know you must be so sad they are gone...((hugs))
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